Friday, September 7, 2007

I'm very pleased to say...

...that school has been so much fun so far!

Today was the most fun since all I did in my 3 periods (for blocked schedule) were:

1st period (chior): listen to a song on everyone's iPod which took up the entire class. I played Dreams by the it.

3rd period (english): talk about some exciting news in the world (like that Capo's freshman football A team won their first game yesterday against Marina! YAY!). Then we made these little poster thingys that we could take our sweet time on since each class was an hour and like, 45 minutes.

5th period (algebra): talk to Kristen and Katie and laugh the whole time while taking notes. So fun :)

At lunch there was a fun pep-rally for our first big Varsity football game tonight. Right after, there's the "Welcome Back Disc-Glow" dance which I'm super stoked about!

Right now, life is good. Thank the Lord!

1 comment:

rachel said...

ahhh!! 3 classes!? I hate you! (ya, ya, I know they're long what ever.) SO fun! Keep sharing stories!