Friday, August 31, 2007

my Grandma, my love

Okay, so we all go out with our grandmothers for dinner every once in a while right? Well, tonight was more entertaining than most lately. See, my grandma always eats, and always tells us how she's getting older and older and is afraid she won't last on this earth much longer. My grandma is a trooper and always has been a strong woman, and I know nothing like that will ever happen to her in a long time. Anyways tonight, she was just hilarious, I love her! She made my night with these simple words:

"The skin that used to be on my upper body is now in the middle of my body."
"My doctor says I have GREAT hips."
"Well, I suppose I could just take the souflee (dessert) - with the two sauces it came with - in the same box as my lamb chops?"
(Justin my brother), "The color TV came out when you got married, mom and dad."
(Grandma saying to him), "Justin, honey, the TV came out when your grandfather and I got married."

Oh goodness, my Grandma always cracks me up and I love her to death and usually makes my day whenever I see her.


Christine.Marie said...

Love her while you've got her!

She sounds like such a cute grandma!

p.s. I miss your face!

Mel East said...

hahah so fun

kayla rae said...

She is so cute, I love grandmas!

rachel said...

precious! i LOVE grandmas! Remeber church? looking for cute old people in the audience?