Sunday, November 16, 2008

R.I.P. favorite show

Boy Meets World has been my favorite show since I was about 6 or 7. I love it. I miss it dearly. It's NEVER on anymore! It makes me so sad :( Yesterday on the way home from the small group retreat, Jessica and Cierra and I were reminising the entire time about our favorite Boy Meets World episodes and lines and whatnot. We were all seriously dying laughing, that show got me everytime. So today, I went YouTubing and found some golden videos. The first one is long, I apoligize, but it was really worth my 10 minutes (:

Eric catching the curtians on fire

The Feeny Call

The good looking guy

Oh, there were so many more. I love this show so much! And, if anyone wants to get me the DVDs, Christmas is only a month and a half away and my birthday is only 2 and a half months away...just saying.

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