Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another Geometry story

Today in Geometry we had a test, and it was surprisingly easy. This is a miracle for me since I'm awful at math and didn't even study. But the day just got even better when Mrs. Boomer (great name, I know) told this one guy Brian to get up in front of class when everyone was done with their test and sing for us because he's in the Solo Concert or something. So he sings (a little awkwardly, but not too shabby), and when he's done Mrs. Boomer goes, "He gets extra credit! If any of you have guts to come up here and sing in front of the class, you will get extra credit too!"
Jessica Raleigh and I made eye contact.
"We'll sing a duet!"
We sang Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid. And got extra credit for it. It was a grand day in room 202.

1 comment:

Erin Brady said...

I love The Little Mermaid, I applaud your song of choice :)