Saturday, September 20, 2008

Inspired by Heather

Things I really really love (you don't have to read this, I'm just bored and like doing this kind of thing):

Filling out things about myself (i.e. this post, or on forms where they want me to put my address and everything)
Knowing my friends have my back
Growing closer to people
Raspberry iced tea
Having that feeling of a really fresh and tingly face when you try a new facewash
Chapstick (preferably Burt's Bees)
Saddleback church
Balboa Island
Laughing so hard that it hurts
My rainbow sandals
Newport Beach
Spontaneous adventures
When people actually get mad at me for not wearing my glasses (ahem, Joe West?)
Laguna Beach
Ferris wheels
Painting my nails
Running into old friends and catching up with them
Finding a person who's dealing with the exact same issues as me
Driving on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH)
Sunflowers (:
Snow, RAIN, gray skies, COLD weather
Fall/Autumn and Winter
Driving to the beach really early in the morning in sweats and a sweatshirt with my favorite hot Starbucks and just sitting on the sand and watching the horizon
Sunrises and sunsets
Taking pictures of the most random little things
Really good/deep conversations
Talking with my sister on the phone for hours about basically nothing
Me and brother going on frozen yogurt dates about every other night
Going to Angel games (especially on the nights with the fireworks!) and eating the peanuts!
When my hair is perfect and I haven't done anything with it
The smell of apple cinnamon and fresh baked cookies
Amazing scented candles
Digging all the goopy stuff out of pumpkins!
Urban Outfitters
Amazing art
Taking something that looks so simple but really see it's beauty
Shopping for dresses
Walking around with bare feet
Praising Jesus Christ
Being stuck in a hard situation, and look in the Bible, and the first verse I see helps me out
People with positive attitudes
My relatives whom I miss dearly
Mud football (even though I haven't quite tried it yet, but I really want to!)
Feeling comfortable in my own skin
Going to Chicago at Christmas time where it actually looks like Christmas (:
Leaves that change to red and gold in the fall
Bright markers
Putting on mascara
Riding a bike
Going on walks around my neighborhood and just thinking about life
Being inspired
Learning something new
Great English teachers! they're my favorite
Painting (even though I'm not artistic in any way...I just love painting)
Making things at Color Me Mine
Listening to music all the time
When a guy screams in my Chemistry class because a chemical reaction made a loud noise
Being cold, not hot
Reading a really good book
Feeling the love of Jesus Christ all around me

1 comment:

Heather Leith said...

all of these things are so lovely.