Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I need prayer

Starting a new school year is hard enough,
especially when you're new to the school.
My first day at Tesoro was okay, not fantastic. I didn't get lost at all (Tesoro is way smaller than Capo) but I don't adjust very well to change and I think that's what got to me.
It made me miss Capo a lot. I really love Capo, and I'm trying to love Tesoro too. I know it'll take some time, but in the meantime it'd be so great if you keep me in your prayers for a while. I'd appreciate it so much, you have no idea!
I really hope tomorrow is better! (:
But hey, on the plus side, I have a ton of amazing friends there, and even quite a few in my classes! Yay!


Droopy's said...

Hey Jordy i just prayed for you this morning!!!


Mariah Snyder said...

Hi sweet girl! I'm sorry! It will just take some time, remember that! I'll be praying for you!

Jaclyn Parker said...

I'll definitly pray for you Jordan :)